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Moe Minkara: “We Lebanese Are Born with a Need to Self-Express”

I believe no true creative is ever bred from a picture-perfect childhood. Life taught me very early on to always find creative solutions to deal with what it threw at me. I guess I have always been more of a problem solver rather than a trouble maker. And that has followed me throughout my life. That’s what creativity is in a way – finding creative solutions to business problems.

I grew up in a home that spoke three languages simultaneously and I believe that’s where my passion for words and copywriting came from. Very early on, I had the ability to mix words from different languages to come up entirely new ones. As a kid, I even started reading backwards almost as fast as I read forwards. You would be amazed at how many fun words can come out of reading backwards sometimes! I have always ‘thought’ in words and that is what directly led me to my career path.

There is no doubt that I am who I am today because of my travels, experiences, and lengthy stays in different countries entrenching myself amongst different cultures. Each experience grounds you in its own special way, and each culture helps you behave and think in a different manner. What I have realized later on in life is that the best creative ideas are never restrained by borders, languages, and cultures. They come from a deep human insight that moves the core of our emotions in one way or another. It no longer matters if you are in Britain, France, Lebanon or Croatia. A good Idea comes from within and should be fluent in any language.

Despite that, I can safely say that Croatia taught me all I know about design, Britain about discipline, France about self-expression, and Lebanon… Well, Lebanon taught me about life.